Our Skin Deserves in10tional™ Care!


~J La Faye

Since our skin is the largest organ in our body, shouldn't we take better care of it?

The answer to that question, is an astounding yes. We most definitely should take better care of our skin, but unfortunately far too often...we don't, at least not to the extent that we should. 

As an example, a large percentage of the population has grown accustomed to cleansing our skin with soap and sometimes finishing it up with some sort of moisturizer, without ever taking the product ingredients into consideration.

More often than not, we don't even begin to take the ingredients into consideration until and unless we or our loved ones have experienced some type of negative reaction to the product. 

Let's think about this for a moment. When the average person states that they are taking care better care of their body, they usually mean diet and exercise. That's fantastic, right?  Right. What's even better is there are also some who take a proactive approach to caring about the ingredients that are listed in the food products we consume. 

Well, what about the environment and the impact it may have on our skin? For instance, how does our body react to smog? How does our body respond to being in the sun for long periods of time? If we work in an environment that requires us to be around or use chemicals, what is the impact to our body?  What affect does stress have on our body? These are additional things we should consider, as we begin to delve deeper into what it means to truly care for our body. 

So let's talk about ingredients. The ingredients that are in the products that we put into body are equally significant to what we put onto our body (our skin). Keeping in mind that what we put onto our body, can be absorbed into our skin. So as we level up our body care, we should make our skincare a priority.  We can begin by becoming more proactive in researching and uncovering the details about the ingredients that are in the products we apply to our skin, and therefore become better positioned to make informed decisions about the products we ultimately choose. 

So, in essence our skin, which is the largest organ in our body is impacted by the environment, the food we consume, as well as the products we apply topically, and we own the power of ensuring that our skin is being properly cared for.

We must be purposeful, thoughtful and diligent as we care for our skin, because our skin deserves in10tional™ care! 




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