…And Then There Were Stairs - Santorini, Greece

Lifestyle Travel

~by J La Faye

The stairs in Santorini, Greece offered me so much more than I expected.

Well, let’s keep it real…I didn’t expect stairs. So, I’m sure you can appreciate the thoughts and concerns I had about the possibility of climbing stairs, while recovering from a fractured ankle.

We checked in at VIP Fitness Suites, and accepted assistance with our luggage. I can’t tell you how grateful we were for the assistance, once we discovered our luggage needed to be carried down a set of irregular, yet absolutely beautiful stairs...that led to our cave. Yes, I said cave. We’ll talk about how wonderful and amazing that experience was in another blog.

After dropping off our luggage, we decided to take a look around, but first we had to climb the stairs. Did I allow my thoughts and concerns to prevent me from experiencing the beauty that Santorini had to offer? Absolutely not!

I simply put on my ankle support, grabbed my phone and selfie stick and began to explore. I must say, tackling the stairs was actually far less intimidating than my insecurities made it out to be. Had I not been recovering from the ankle injury; it wouldn’t have phased me.

We turned left at the top of the stairs, and it led us down a beautiful cobblestone walkway. It was lined with restaurants and retail shops that offered clothing, jewelry, Santorini branded accessories, souvenirs and so much more.

We followed a path that led us down a set of beautiful cobblestone stairs, to a place I renamed the hot spot. I gave it that name because everyone was there. It was definitely the place to be. This location allowed us to take in and capture the most beautiful view of the sunset.


So, my final thoughts on the stairs of Santorini are that they led us to wonderful and memorable experiences that we'll cherish forever. We descended and ascended stairs that offered spectacular views and experiences of Santorini, which included the Aegean Sea, shopping, historical dome buildings, restaurants with sky views, amazing food, good drinks and absolutely great service.

Given the opportunity, I'd climb those stairs again and again. 


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